Electronics Materials & Packaging in Space (EMPS)

The EMPS events promote the development and awareness of materials and manufacturing processes utilised for Spacecraft Applications and enable industrialists, technicians and students to network together, and with members of the space community. EMPS started off as "Electronic Materials and Processes for Space" in 2010. The events are normally held once per year, and typically at the site of an ESA-Approved Skills Certification Centre/School or at ESA-ESTEC.

The organisers of the Workshops will include a member of staff from the University of Portsmouth. The present organisers are the EMPS Workshops co-founder Dr B. D. Dunn (University of Portsmouth, formerly of ESA/ESTEC) and Dr J. Hokka (ESA-ESTEC).

All EMPS events shall be available to members of the public, but when participation is limited due to capacity constrains at any venue, the priority will be given to participants to the workshop and specialist engineers and scientists occupied in the fields of materials, manufacturing and the space industry.

The events will be publicised on this website and access will be made available for Registration and the downloading of the Workshop Agenda. The site links to past EMPS presentations. It is assumed that all presenters at these Workshops will permit their papers to be made available to interested persons visiting the website.